22. [preprint] Petrullo, L., Santangeli, A., Wistbacka, R., Husby, A., Raulo, A. Habitat quality influences gut microbiota via cortisol in Siberian flying squirrels (Pteromys volans). [here]
21. [preprint] Petrullo, L., *Morris, N.J., Tharin, C., Dantzer, B. Harbingers of change: towards a mechanistic understanding of anticipatory plasticity. [here]
20. [preprint] Petrullo, L., Webber, Q., Raulo, A., Boutin, S., Lane, J.E., McAdam, A.G., Dantzer, B. Territorial behavior as a route of social microbial transmission in an asocial mammal. [here]
19. (2024) ✝Petrullo, L., ✝Delaney, D., Boutin, S., Lane, J.E., McAdam, A.G., Dantzer, B. A future food boom rescues the negative effects of cumulative early-life adversity on lifespan in a small mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291, 20232681. [pdf]
18. (2023) Halhed, A., Petrullo, L., Boutin, S., Dantzer, B., McAdam, A.G., Wu, M., Cottenie, K. Consistent spatial patterns in microbial taxa of red squirrel gut microbiomes. Environmental Microbiology Reports 16, e13209. [pdf]
17. (2023) Spear, J.K., Grabowski, M., Sekhavati, Y., Costa, C.E., Goldstein, D.M., Petrullo, L., Peterson, A.L., Lee, A.B., Shattuck, M.R., Gomez-Olivencia, A., Williams, S.A. Evolution of vertebral numbers in primates, with a focus on hominoids and the last common ancestor of hominins and panins. Journal of Human Evolution 179, 103359. [pdf]
16. (2023) Sabol, A., Close, W.L., Petrullo, L., Lambert, C.T., Keane, B., Solomon, N.G., Schloss, P.D., Dantzer, B. Sociality does not predict oral microbiome composition or diversity in free-living prairie voles. Animal Behavior 200, 167-182. [pdf]
15. (2023) Petrullo, L., Boutin, S., Lane, J.E., McAdam, A.G., Dantzer, B. Phenotype-environment mismatch errors enhance lifetime fitness in wild red squirrels. Science 379. 269-272. [pdf]
14. (2023) Sen, S., Carrera, S.C., Heistermann, M., Potter, C.B., Baniel, A., DeLacey, P.M., Petrullo, L., Lu, A., Beehner, J. Social correlates of androgen levels and dispersal age in juvenile male geladas. Hormones and Behavior 146, 105264. [pdf]
13. (2022) Petrullo, L., Delaney, D., Boutin S., McAdam, A.G., Lane, J.E., Boonstra, R., Palme, R., Dantzer, B. The glucocorticoid response to environmental change is not specific to agents of natural selection in wild red squirrels. Hormones and Behavior 146, 105262. [pdf[
12. (2022) Baniel, A., Petrullo, L., Mercer, A., Reitsema, L., Sams, S., Beehner, J.C., Bergman, T.J., Snyder-Mackler, N., Lu, A. Maternal effects on early-life gut microbiome maturation in a wild nonhuman primate. Current Biology 32, 4508-4520.e6. [pdf]
11. (2022) Petrullo, L., Baniel, A., Jorgensen, M., Sams, S., Snyder-Mackler, N., Lu, A. Early life gut microbiome dynamics mediate maternal effects on infant growth in vervet monkeys. iScience, 25, 103948. [pdf]
10. (2022) Petrullo, L., Ren, T., Wu, M., Boonstra, R., Palme, R. Boutin, S., McAdam, A. G., Dantzer, B. Glucocorticoids coordinate changes in gut microbiome composition in wild North American red squirrels. Scientific Reports 12, 2605. [pdf]
9. (2021) Petrullo, L., Baniel, A., Sweeny A. R. Establishing a virtual network in mammalian microbiome research. Evolutionary Anthropology 30, 105-107. [pdf]
8. (2021) Baniel, A., Amato, K. R., Beehner, J. C., Bergman, T. J., Mercer, A., Perlman, R. F., Petrullo, L., Reitsema, L., Sams, S., Lu, A., Snyder-Mackler, N. Seasonal shifts in the gut microbiome indicate plastic responses to diet in wild geladas. Microbiome 9, 1-20. [pdf]
7. (2019) Petrullo, L., Hinde, K., Lu, A. Steroid hormone concentrations in milk predict sex- specific offspring growth in a non-human primate. American Journal of Human Biology, e23315. [pdf]
6. (2019) Lu, A., Petrullo, L., Carrera, S., Feder, J., Schneider-Crease, I., Snyder-Mackler, N. Developmental responses to early life adversity: evolutionary and mechanistic perspectives. Evolutionary Anthropology, 28, 249-266. [pdf]
5. (2019) Williams, S.A., Spear, J.K., Petrullo, L., Goldstein, D.M., Lee, A.B., Peterson, A.L., Miano, D.A., Kaczmarek, E., Shattuck, M.R. Increased variation in numbers of presacral vertebrae in suspensory animals. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3, 949-956. [pdf]
4. (2019) Petrullo, L., Jorgensen, M., Snyder-Mackler, N., Lu, A. Composition and stability of the vervet monkey milk microbiome. American Journal of Primatology, e22982. [pdf]
3. (2019) Petrullo, L., Lu, A. Natural variation in fetal cortisol exposure predicts neonatal body mass in captive vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops). American Journal of Primatology 81, e22943. [pdf]
2. (2017) Mandalaywala, T.M., Petrullo, L., Parker, K.J., Maestripieri, D., Higham, J.P. Vigilance for threat in infancy modifies effects of early life adversity on cortisol/salivary alpha- amylase asymmetry in juvenile rhesus macaques. Developmental Psychobiology 59, 1031- 1038. [pdf]
1. (2016) Petrullo, L., Mandalaywala, T. M., Parker, K. J., Maestripieri, D., Higham, J. P. Effects of early life adversity on cortisol/salivary alpha-amylase symmetry in free-ranging juvenile rhesus macaques. Hormones and Behavior 86, 78-84. [pdf]